Pastor Romone Phoenix was born in the Parish of Kingston, where he received his early childhood education.  He then moved to Portmore, St Catherine with
his family and attended the Gregory Park All-Age School.  He received his Secondary Education at the Port Maria High School in St. Mary.  After graduating from High School he was accepted by Northern Caribbean University (N.C.U), where earned an Associate of Science Degree in Information Technology and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion.

After leaving N.C.U, he taught at the Excelsior Primary School, Buffs Business College, N.C.U extension in Kingston, and Willowdene High School where he also served as Chaplain.  He is a resource teacher for the Ministry of Education in the area of Educational Technology (EdTech).

Pastor Phoenix later joined the workforce of Central Jamaica Conference in 2002, and has served many churches in Clarendon and St. Catherine with his passion for youth and family ministries.  He served the St. Catherine Federation of
Adventist Youth in many capacities and presently serves as Pastoral Sponsor.  He is a Master Guide and also serves the Conference as an Area Coordinator. With his love for family ministries he has conducted many seminars; empowering
singles, equipping couples and lifting families with a closer bond to their Savior.

Sharing with him in ministry is his wife Odean, who is a Librarian by profession and together they share in family ministries presentations.  God has blessed them with
two sons. Romone Jr. and O’Jay.  They are presently serving as the Pastoral Family for the St. John’s District of Seventh-day Adventist Churches
in St. Catherine.